Deliver, but deliver with style

Regardless of which role you are in, from the Board to the top management and fully to the front line, at the end of the day, it´s all about delivery.

Delivery of the numbers both short term and long term. One of my first leaders told me: It´s all about delivery. And you have to use your skills, knowledge, and competence to make it happen:

  • Your academic skills

  • Your toolbox

  • Your experience

  • Your social skills

At the same time, it´s also how you deliver the numbers. That the delivery is for the short term and the long term. With integrity. And with a sustainable platform. In a way, so that you win the competition with style. Some years back there was a young and very good soccer player in Norway who had made a fantastic goal, and he celebrated big time in front of the audience, but it was all about himself-me, me, me. The reporter asked the coach afterward: "What a great goal your new player made”. The coach answered something like this: "No, it was not great. That´s not the way we celebrate and behave in this club. You have to win with style, together with the team". The player really understood the feedback, changed his behavior, and is today still a very good player, but he is also highly respected by his team and among his supporters. In fact, he is an even better player today.

So you have to deliver, always, and in the right way.

You have to deliver on both dimensions.


An evening with other CEO's